Mold Inspection

Collecting and Interpreting Mold Samples


Taught by Dr. Joe Spurgeon, indoor air quality (IAQ) consultant and author, this in-depth course is designed for experienced IAQ professionals or persons who have completed the Indoor Environmentalist and/or Microbial Remediation Supervisor training. This course goes through much of the content in Dr. Spurgeon’s two books “The Collection and Interpretation of Indoor Mold Samples; A Comparison of Methods” and “Interpreting Mold Samples: A Workbook of Example Projects”. The discussion of data interpretation methods is vital to anyone doing this type of work and can be complex. Dr. Joe will help you understand why you may want to consider changing your current data interpretation method and follow one of the methods he discusses in this course.


  • December 20| Greenville, SC – Virtual


  • IAQA Members: $300
  • Regular: $325